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Showing posts from March, 2022

Canada Must Not Go to War in Europe

Since Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the possibility of war spreading to other Eastern European countries has become a very real danger. Multiple NATO countries are at risk of Russian invasion, including Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. If any NATO country is attacked, Canada is obligated by Article 5 of NATO's founding treaty to come to their aid. This may include " the use of armed force " if deemed necessary. However, sending troops is not required by the treaty. The reality is Canada has nothing to gain from joining a war in Europe, and everything to lose. Canada is currently burdened by record-high debt, and any military action would be very costly. For example,  the  Afghanistan War  cost Canadians an estimated $18 billion. The human cost was also high. 165 Canadians were killed and over 2000 Canadian soldiers were injured. Thousands more were diagnosed with PTSD after deployment. A war against Russia, which has one of the world's larg

Vaccine Passports Ending in 9 Provinces

A protest against covid-19 restrictions outside the Alberta Legislature, February 22, 2022. Every province in Canada, except for British Columbia, has announced a plan to drop vaccine passports. As of today, 7 provinces have already ended vaccine passport requirements. Alberta, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and PEI dropped vaccine passports in February. Today Ontario and Manitoba followed suit. Quebec and Newfoundland both plan to end their vaccine passport programs by March 14. This leaves British Columbia as the last province holding on to vaccine passports. Despite declining covid-19 hospitalizations and a high vaccination rate, the province has yet to announce any end to their vaccine passport program. However, the province's health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry has suggested some restrictions may lift by spring. "Looking ahead, as we expect transmission to continue to decrease and the weather gets warmer… we will likely no longer need those extra layers of protecti